Down In One Golf Society

   Newsletter Issue 1 - October 1999


Welcome to the first DIOGS newsletter. The society has achieved a number of successes since its was formed in October last year Including:

    A 25% increase in membership

    Completion of two golfing trips.

February Trip

In February the founding members organised a trip to France to sample the local food and drink interspersed with the occasional round of golf.  Over three days, golf was played at both courses in Le Touquet (Le Foret and Le Mer) and at one of the courses in Hardelot (Les Dunes).  Despite the heavy showers of rain on the first and last days the golfers persevered and were rewarded with some magnificent golf.

David and Andrzej at La Mer

Annual General Meeting

This year's AGM was held in the Trattoria Da Carlo in Fetcham on 11 October. In keeping with the society's rules there is no formal record of this meeting.  However it can be revealed that agreement was reached on a motto for the society (Qualitatus Non Quantitatus) and we now have a new president, Andrzej Potocki.  The former president David Tavner is now Vice President with special responsibility for course etiquette.

The current committee members are:

    President - Andrzej Potocki

    Vice President - David Tavner

    Treasurer - Rod Baker

    Secretary - Rob Haines

October Trip

The October trip to France got off to a shaky start when the President announced to the assembled party that his passport was in his office in Reading.  After much debate it was decided to leave him to find his own way to France.  Whilst the President was touring southern England the other members of the party raced to Dover to catch the 8.15 a.m. Sea France ferry to Calais, as they were keen make their 12 p.m. tee off time at St Omer.

The golf at St Omer was extremely enjoyable if not somewhat exhausting due the hilly nature of the course.  David won the Treasurer's Trophy and the Longest Drive competitions whilst Rod won Nearest the Pin.

Fortunately the President managed to reach the hotel in Arras in time for the evening meal which was taken in the hotel. Some members of the party had difficulty the next morning in remembering the previous evening's events.  This was put down to the exceptional quality of the wine consumed as the motto had been uppermost in their minds throughout the meal.

St Omer Golf Club

On the Sunday morning David and Rob played against Andrzej and Rod for the coveted DIOGS Bowl at Arras. In a closely fought contest over nine holes Andrzej and Rod managed to stay one hole up until the last hole when the match was halved.  In the afternoon an attempt was made to play all 18 holes. Unfortunately play had to be abandoned on the 18th fairway due to the failing light.  Andrzej won the competitions for the Secretary's Cup and Nearest The Pin whilst Rod won the Longest Drive.

On Monday the golfers embarked on what was supposed to be a leisurely drive to Hardelot.  In the event the course was reached with ten minutes to spare before tee off time. On a chilly but sunny day the competitors struggled with a difficult course - blind tee shots and long fairways.  Rod won the competitions for the President's Putter and Nearest The Pin whilst Andrzej won the Longest Drive.

The planned trip to a local supermarket to purchase vital supplies did not turn out quite as planned.  Following some disagreement as to  the best route to follow to Calais the Secretary, who was acting as driver for the trip, took matters into his own hands and treated everyone to a scenic drive along the coast. Luckily a supermarket eventually appeared on the horizon and everyone was able to stock up with supplies before boarding the 8.30 p.m. ferry for a wind swept passage home.

Arras Golf Club

Future Golfing Trips

We are hoping that the President will be able to organise a golfing weekend in Norfolk near his country retreat early next year. A further trip is pencilled in for October.

Green Saver Cards

The society now has three green saver cards which should enable us all to take advantage of half price golf at the weekends at a number of courses in the southeast between now and next October.

Le Pins at Hardelot