Down In One Golf Society

   Newsletter Issue 23 - July 2011


This issue covers last year’s autumn golf break, this year’s spring golf break and the President’s golf day.

Autumn Golf Break

Rod, Rob, David, Andrzej and Ian attended the autumn golf break in Oxfordshire from 16th to 18th October, playing at Frilford Heath and Goring And Streatley Golf Clubs. We stayed at the Premier Inn in Abingdon, arriving there the evening before our first competition for some bonding. 

On Saturday we played for the Secretary’s Cup at Frilford and Rod was a clear winner with 30 stableford points. Andrzej won both the nearest the pin and longest drive prizes.

On Sunday we played at Frilford again, this time for the Treasurer’s Trophy which Andrzej won with 34 stableford points. Nobody won either the nearest the pin or longest drive prizes.

On Monday we played at Goring And Streatley for the President’s Putter, which Rob won with 36 stableford points, narrowly beating Andrzej with 35 and Rod with 34. Ian the won nearest the pin prize and Rob won the longest drive. Rod had arranged for tea and fruit cake to be provided after our game and the club secretary came to check that the cake, which had been specially made for us, was to our satisfaction.

Ian in the pub

David in the pub

The Old Anchor Inn

Abingdon Bridge

Rob getting ready to tee off

Rod teaching the parrot how to putt

Spring Golf Break

Rod, Rob, Andrzej, Ian, John and Tony Westray attended the spring golf break at St Pierre from 3rd to 5th April. We stayed in three of the cottages by the lake opposite the 15th green and ate in the hotel. 

On Sunday we played for the Secretary’s Cup on the Old Course in wet conditions and Tony was a clear winner with 30 stableford points. Tony also won the nearest the pin prize and Rob won the longest drive prize.

On Monday we were supposed to play on the Mathern Course but as they weren’t allowing buggies on the course they agreed to let us play on the Old Course again. John won the Treasurer’s Trophy with 26 stableford points and also the longest drive prize. Tony won the nearest the pin prize for the second day running.

On Tuesday it was raining hard and Tony and John decided to quit while they were ahead and the rest of us drove to Tyrrells to play for the President’s Putter on our home course. Rob won the competition with 32 stableford points and Andrzej won both the nearest the pin and the longest drive prizes. 

Entrance to the St Pierre hotel

The history of the course

John and Tony posing

Ian teeing off

Rob putting

Leaving the cottage to play golf

Andrzej in the buggy

Rod and Tony with the buggy

President’s Golf Day

The President’s golf day was held at Tyrrells Wood in the afternoon of July 4th. There were 10 society members and 3 guests, who were Trevor Snuggs, Peter Dix and Martin Fancourt (last years’ winner). A team game was played in parallel with the main competition for the total number of stableford points (suitably adjusted for the team of 4). Rob won the main competition scoring 36 points, with David and Peter coming a close second and third with 35 points each. David’s team won the team prize with a total of 98 points. Peter won nearest the pin on the 9th hole and Richard won the longest drive on the 18th.

In the evening we all made our way to the Rising Sun in Epsom for a meal and a few drinks. Andy and Ian joined us for the meal but Stephen had to skip the meal as his daughter had come home unexpectedly early from California.

Ray, Richard and Ian at the dinner

“Hair” Andy