Down In One Golf Society

   Newsletter Issue 6 - July 2002


Since the last newsletter the society has increased its membership, met for its annual Christmas competition and enjoyed another extremely successful golf break – this time in Sussex.

New Membership

Ian Fasham has joined the society as a Full Member, bringing the membership to eight.

Christmas Competition

The Christmas competition, which was attended by Andrzej, Ian, Richard, Rob and Rod, was held at Pachesham on 9th December. Illness prevented Bob and David from taking part. The President generously donated a Christmas Trophy, to be awarded to the player who scores the third highest number of stableford points. This year Rob won the trophy and also won the longest drive. Following the competition the players retired to DIOGS Southern Headquarters to finish the evening off with the Christmas meal.

Golf Break In Sussex

The Spring golf break started with a stableford competition over 18 holes at Waterhall. Rod’s son Tim stood in for Ian, who was unable to take part because of a more important family engagement.

We were forced(!) to break for an early lunch after 6 holes in order to let players in a club competition play through.

Bob won the Secretary’s Cup with 37 points, Richard was 2nd with 33 and Rod 3rd with 30. David won the longest drive and Bob won nearest the pin. 

Our lodgings for the weekend were at the Ambassador Hotel in Brighton, a quiet family run hotel near the sea front.

Pint sized golfer

In the evening we set off towards the Lanes in search of an Indian restaurant, the traditional venue for an EGM. During our walk we observed some of the sights for which Brighton is famous – there is safety in numbers. At the EGM we reached a number of momentous decisions and handed out a number of actions - none of which can be recalled.

On Sunday we had time for a stroll on the Palace Pier before driving to Seaford Golf Club for our afternoon’s competitions. Deckchairs are provided on the pier free of charge so it seemed a pity not to try them out.

Yet another EGM

At Seaford we played for the President’s Putter and the DIOGS Bowl over 27 holes. As the club did not offer a day rate the Treasurer’s negotiation skills were tested in arranging for us to play the additional nine holes without further charge.

We all found the gorse a bit tricky with balls seemly disappearing without trace just off the fairways.

With only six players Bob & Andrzej found themselves playing two simultaneous matches at least once over the course of the 27 holes.

Andrzej wins the President’s Putter

Resting on Brighton pier

In the first round Bob beat Rod but lost to Richard and so he played Richard and Rod again in the semi final rounds.

In the other group Andrzej beat both Mike and Rob so getting him a bye into the final of the President’s Putter. Rob played Mike in the other semi final and won.

Bob won both his semi final matches so he played Andrzej in the final of the President’s Putter and Rob in final of the DIOGS bowl. The match for the DIOGS Bowl was all over by the 6th hole, much to Bob’s surprise, when Rob won. Andrzej beat Bob 2&1 to claim the President’s Putter.

In the evening, whilst searching for somewhere to eat, we stopped off at small pub for some refreshment and discovered a musical duo preparing for a live gig later in the evening. Unfortunately hunger got the better of us so we had to leave just as they started to play. We dined at an Italian restaurant in the Lanes where the President introduced the Junior Member to the benefits of adding olive oil to his pizza.

The final competition, for the Treasurer’s Trophy, was a stableford competition over 18 holes on the Waterfall course. Mike was unable to stay and so we were now down to five players. 

Standing on the first tee we were faced with the slightly intimidating prospect of driving over a small ravine. However we all managed to negotiate the gap and reach the other side.

Standing on the 2nd tee we were confronted with another drive across a ravine – this time we were not so lucky with some balls falling short of the fairway.

Don’t try this at home

Mannings Heath golf club

The sight of more ravines in front of the 3rd and 4th tees made some us wonder what we had let ourselves in for. However we persevered and managed to struggle round. Bob in particular attempted some adventurous shots on the way. 

In the end Andrzej won the Treasurer’s Trophy with 26 points, Rob was 2nd with 24 points and Bob 3rd with 21 points. The longest drive was won by Bob but no-one managed to win nearest the pin even after two attempts at the 10th and 14th holes.

Andrzej also won the Tous Trois Trophie with a total of 14 points.

The Secretary noted that although Andrzej won most of the prizes Bob won the most money despite complaining his handicap was too low.

Future Golfing Events

For information on future golfing events see the competition diary section of the web site.